Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Implantation Day.

here's our 2 wittle implanted embryos!!!  yaay!  i did not get a cell count, but i do know they are grade B.  the embryologist also said there were 2 more embryos that had matured enough to freeze.  we'll keep waiting on the others!  i'll keep checking my daily messages my lab leaves me about my left over embryos.

the actual procedure was pretty easy.  they wheeled me in the OR, rolled in the incubator that housed my dish of embryos (clint actually got to see them under the microscope), the dr inserted the catheter inside my uterus, and he inserted the embryo's inside the unterin lining.  the worst part was literally having the full bladder for so long, i didn't think i was going to make it!  now, by Dr's orders, i'm confined to bedrest for 2 days...which should be really nice!!! 

the black blob at the top of the ultrasound picture is my bladder.  the thick white lining underneath is actually where he implanted the embryo's--near the top of my uterus.  i will have blood work done on friday to check my progesterone levels.  then the next friday, i will have blood work to check to see if these little babies are sticking in there for a while!!!
thank you so much for everyone who txt, called, and messaged today--it really means soo much!!!

i will still continue to take the progesterone shots (which are becoming harder because we're giving shots in bruises at this point i think!), and other than that, i'm just waiting....like the rest of you...waiting for the pregnancy test on december 3rd!!!



  1. So awesome! Thanks so much for making us part of your journey.

  2. This is SO amazing. I feel like I'm going to be an aunt when these little miracles come. Rest, and do EXACTLY what they tell you to.

  3. Oh! This timing is so perfect...for turkey day, that is. While the rest of us are baking poultry, you are baking something much better (and cuter).

    I am praying that those babies hang on tight!

  4. How exciting! Praying for perseverance for you on the yucky stuff!

    Clint and Lori plus...how many?
