Monday, November 22, 2010


i can NOT believe tomorrow is finally here!  i couldn't hardly concentrate on work today, and i'm sure i won't be able to sleep tonight (and not like the kids on the disney world commercial either!).  i am most definately on the home stretch now.  i have to be there at 10, talk to the embryologist about our decision on how many embryos to implant, lay there on the table with a full/semi full bladder, take a valium (10mg, which will knock me out), and the procedure starts at 11:00.  i hope it will go as smoothly as i've been told it should!

i will still be continuing my shots until i find out if i'm pregnant or not.  if so, i will continue to take the progesterone...and if not, i can discontinue then.  i'm sooo tired of these hormones...have i said that?  ohmygosh.  it's wearing me out, i can only imagine how the people around me must feel!  some days have been good, some days have been bad.  i hope soon enough i can forget this whole process after seeing my baby for the first time.  all this will sooo be worth it. 

i have to be on bed rest for the next 2 days, dr's orders.  i'm kind of looking forward to that!  i will post an update tomorrow as soon as i can...when i get home, or when i'm up from my valium hangover--whichever comes first. 

seems kind of surreal that by this time tomorrow  night, i will actually have a fertilized embryo in my belly  :)


1 comment:

  1. "you have fertilized embryo in your belly!!!!!!"

    That is just so cool...
