Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 33. today's appt. follow-up.

feeling a little icky tonight.  belly cramping (like my ovaries are the size of softballs), a little nauseated, and headache.  not sure if this is side effect of the meds, or anxiety.  i've been totally lazy tonight laying on the couch, dreading the new shot i have to take immediately before bed.

i had a minor freak-out moment today after my appointment.  i had to be there at 8:00 am...which meant i had to get up before 5--ugh, and i'm soo not a morning person.  i actually woke up at 4 and couldn't go back to sleep, b/c of the steroid i have to take with my night injection.  got to my dr's office, checked in, had my blood drawn, and ultrasound...pretty big deal. 

i go on to work, and check my voice mail later on for my nurse's instructions on my next plan, since my latest calendar stopped after today.  it was instructions to drop my units of the current injection (gonal-f) because my blood work showed my estradiol levels were too high, to start this new dose on saturday, and come back in for ultrasound on wednesday.  ...BUT IT'S WEDNESDAY ALREADY, AND I HAVE AN ULTRASOUND SCHEDULED FOR THIS FRIDAY...AND WHAT ABOUT MY MEDS UNTIL SATURDAY???....immediately i call my nurse.  turns out this was an old message i never recieved.  great!

 *minor panic attack*

i was supposed to have dropped my dosage last week, and didn't.  no wonder my estradiol levels are extra high today.  apparently i'm responding very well to the meds so far...which sounds perfect, but you don't want to go into what they call "hyperstimulation", b/c they will stop ythe ivf cycle.  you do not want to become pregnant being hyperstimulated b/c you can become extremely sick.  great.  "did i just mess up my cycle?" nurse said she'll talk to my dr with this new info and call me back.  ohmygosh, i can't concentrate at work now until she calls me back. eternity later, she calls back to reassure me that i did not mess up my cycle.  the dr says even though she would've liked to start at a lower dosage, the 300 units i was injecting was not far off from the 225 units she originally wanted to me back down to.  ugh.  she also said, the new injection i'm supposed to start tonight may lower those estradiol levels enough that i won't go into hyperstimulation.  "maybe".  that's all i heard.  still partly mad at myself for neglecting to get this voicemail.

she gives me all new instructions for the next few days leading up to my next ultrasound & bloodwork & egg retrieveal next week(!). new intructions include no morning injection of FSH, only at night, along with the steroid, and ganirelix--meds stopping me from ovulating at the wrong time).  please pray that they come down so i can continue with this cycle.  new injection = new anxiety.  hope i don't mess this up.

i thought up until today i was completely competant enough to do this (all the meds/injections on my own) i'm starting to question it.  :( 



  1. You are absolutely competent. It's a missed voicemail. Not an indictment of your capabilities. You got this, chick. You missed a voicemail. Let yourself off the hook. Sounds like there's no major repercussion as a result, so relax. This process is hard enough without beating yourself up. You're doing great, love!!

  2. Don't worry....I experienced the over stimulation was REALLY bad, but I survived. Mine actually occured AFTER the egg insertion, 3 days after retrieval. I tell ya, I've been through it all! lol Whatever happens, you can handle it :)

  3. You're ok. You must relax. Don't over-analyze. I know, easier said than done. Just had a prayer session for you only.
