Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I've talked to several of you over the past few days who keep asking me, "how is this procedure different from what you've already done?"...let me explain!  The procedure we have already tried (which some of you have gone through) is called IUI--intra-uterine insemination.  It is a procedure which involves placing sperm inside a woman’s uterus through a catheter to facilitate fertilization. This fertility treatment does not involve the manipulation of a woman’s eggs, and therefore is not considered an assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedure.  Bill & Juliana did this (if you watch their show)!  We did this 3 times...all 3 were unsuccessful. 

IVF--in-vitro fertilization is a process by which egg cells are removed from the ovary & fertilized in a lab by sperm outside the body, then resulting embryos are then transferred to the uterus. 

***some interesting facts about IVF....the first successful "test tube baby" happened in 1978, and the british scientist who developed it, just recently won a nobel prize for physiology!***

the major difference between the 2 is 1) the cost, and 2) they will actually be forcing the two together in my case (process called ICSI--that's another blog!)

I pray that for those of you who do not quite understand all these terms and the process itself, that you or anyone close to you will not EVER have to go through it.  It's been such a hard 5 years...and i haven't always stayed positive--just ask my husband!  Infertility can take a toll on you, your marriage, your friendships, and your family--speaking from experience--it's soo not fun. 

For those of you who unfortunately do know all these terms, i pray for each of you every day.  EVERY DAY.  But i'm sooo thankful for the girlfriends God has put in my life to help me through help me keep my chin up.(isn't it funny how that happens?!?!?  coincidence?  I THINK NOT!)   You are much more of a blessing to me than you will ever know, and you're kind words have kept me going forward even when i didn't want to.

As i talk to different ones of you every day, i'm becoming more inspired & more blessed by you sharing your stories with me.  It is soo good to have an awesome support group!  And please keep your favorite bible verses coming! 

4 years ago, i posted this one on my bathroom mirror, and i read it every morning as i'm brushing my teeth...

Lamentations 3:24
"The Lord is my portion, therefor i will wait for HIM."



  1. Lori, I am so glad you decided to do this! You are on my mind and in my prayers often. I wanted to let you know that Kelly's Korner shared about her waiting time today and she also has a link from there to where others are talking. Thought it might be encouraging to you.

  2. Love you friend! And am so impressed with your explanation of IVF! I remember the first time I saw that Bible verse in your bathroom. It brought a smile to my face! It and you were an inspiration to me then, and you are even more so today! You are a brave, strong woman! I'm so proud of you and the choice you've made! And I'm so honored that you have shared your story with us. I'm behind you every step of the way! Can't wait to decorate the baby's room in black and white toile!

    Love you!


  3. FINALLY got caught up! Just wanted to add that infertility is also excrutiating for the people who care about you and so desperately want the very best for you.

    Still praying everyday. Our God is faithful, and I know everything is in His hands and will be done according to His plan!!!
