Saturday, November 20, 2010

is it day 55 yet?

sore, nauseated, exhausted, grumpy, among other things i won't go into.


i'm not sure that if this does not work this time that i will want to do this again.

update from dr today:  my eggs look good, and are dividing like they should.  we will continue with a 5 day transfer--on tuesday.  then nothing but bedrest for 2 whole days...i'm actually really looking forward to that.



  1. take it one shot at a time. you can do this!

  2. 55 will be here before you know it!! Keep thinking about TUESDAY! YEAH!!! Love you!

  3. This is worth it! Vince wants lots of little Cobb buddies :)

    Praying for you ALL the time.

  4. Do you have any idea how many people are covering you in prayer????? Just cling to the truths you know...God has you in his loving arms and WILL NOT let you go. Love you LC!!!
