Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 39.

reporting todays appointment...went back in AGAIN today for more bloodwork and another ultrasound.  kind of sad when i left today knowing i won't see my sweet ultrasound tech until i get preg...NOT REALLY!  today was my last ultrasound!!!  i do have to go back in tomorrow for blood work though, and talk to my ivf nurse about my post-op procedure on thursday. 

tonight, i have to do a trigger shot (ovidrel--used to stimulate ovulation).  two actually.  one subq injection on each side of my belly at exactly 11pm tonight.  then i have to get up at 5 and head on down to nashville.  running on such little sleep lately (after halloween at that!) is hopefully preparing me for staying up at night in about 9 months!

oh, and NO SHOTS TOMORROW!!!  did i mention how excited i am about having a day off from sticking myself?  WOO-HOO!!!!  AAAANNDDD thank you for those of you who prayed over my hot flashes today...it must have worked, b/c i didn't wake up drenched in sweat, nor did i have to turn on my fan at work today!  today WAS a good day!


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